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What The Hell?, 2016
Inspired by "Freedom of Speech", 1943

Freedom Of Faith (All Faiths Equal One Faith), 2016
Inspired by "Freedom of Worship", 1943

Thanksgiving Gay Dinner, 2014
Inspired by "Freedom From Want", 1943

Freedom from What (I Can’t Breathe), 2015
Inspired by "Freedom From Fear", 1943
This reinvention was influenced by the 2014murder o Eric Garner, whose last words were, "I can't breathe." Those word hauntingly returned to the headlines with the 2020 murder of George Floyd.
This reinvention was influenced by the 2014murder o Eric Garner, whose last words were, "I can't breathe." Those word hauntingly returned to the headlines with the 2020 murder of George Floyd.

Sailor's Best Friend, 2014
Inspired by "Home on Leave", 1945.
Pops very first Rockwell reinvention, featuring Nick Browne.
Updates include the iPhone replace the pack of cigarettes as well as a more modern, sensual depiction of the sailor.
Pops very first Rockwell reinvention, featuring Nick Browne.
Updates include the iPhone replace the pack of cigarettes as well as a more modern, sensual depiction of the sailor.

Stockbridge Fire Department to the Rescue, 2014
Inspired by "The Runaway", 1958
featuring original Rockwell model, Ed Locke as the Soda Jerk.
featuring original Rockwell model, Ed Locke as the Soda Jerk.

The Problem Persists, 1964-2014
Inspired by "The Problem We All Live With", 1963

St. Joan, 2015
Inspired by "Girl at Mirror", 1954

Welcome to the Neighborhood, 2019
Inspired by "New Kids in the Neighborhood", 1967
Featuring original Rockwell model, Wray Gunn.
Featuring original Rockwell model, Wray Gunn.

Saying Grace at the Main Street Café, 2018
Inspired by "Saying Grace", 1951

When I’m in the International Space Station, 2020
Inspired by "When I Am an Astronaut", 1969

Pride and Joy, 2020
Inspired by "After the Prom", 1957

The Education of Lance Corporal Will Cisneros, 2015
Inspired by "Willie Gillis in College", 1956

Give Now To Aid Puerto Rico, 2017
Inspired by "Give Now"

Freedom From Discrimination
Inspired by "The Marriage License"

The Vinyl Lovers
Inspired by "The Collectors"

The Sexiest Man Alive
Inspired by "First Haircut"

Generations of Faith
Inspired by "Two Children Praying"

Two Colors of Water
Imagery inspired by Gordon Parks photos
of the Jim Crow South
of the Jim Crow South

I'm With Her | Freedom of Assembly, 2017
A tribute to the Women's March, 2017.

Freedom of the Press in the Crosshairs

Freedom From Shame

Are We Safe (Freedom Under Fire)

China Virus

Sunday Morning (Meaning of Family)
Original composition featuring Rev. Brent Damrow, husband, John Geldert, and their son, Jake.
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