
WHDY Boston News7
See the Boston WHDY News7 Interview with Pops on his record breaking exhibition, "Reinventing Rockwell and Beyond" at the State House of Massachusetts.
Click here to read The Boston Globe's review, "Do Norman Rockwell paintings carry an urgent message for 21st-century America?"
By Murray Whyte, Globe Staff, October 22, 2020.
Pops was interviewed by Davis Dunavin for NPR's "Off The Path" podcast, November, 2020.
See Pops discuss "Reinventing the Four Freedoms" and his own works with Emmy Award winning reporter, Anna Werner on CBS Sunday Morning, September 2, 2018.
In the summer of 2020, Pops' "Freedom from What?" was a major presentation at the Denver Art Museum.
Click here for links to two web features on Pops' work and philosophy.
Boston's ABC affiliate WCVB-TV, broadcast this great profile of
Pops, his business and his passion on their cultural series, "Chronicle," in August, 2018.

NBC Newschannel 13 Albany
Pops by Dan Brazille on NBC affilitate, WNYT's on the opening of Reinventing Rockwell. March 7, 2015.
Sorry, this page was removed by NBC and is no longer available.
The cover story of The Artful Mind was a dream come true.
Click here to see the full cover and keep clicking to read the entire, 4-page feature.

Berkshires Week | Shires of Vermont
Front page feature seen through New England in Berkshires Week/Shires of Vermont. (Currently unavailable.)
Pops Peterson interviewed by anchor, Dan Bazile, about his debut solo art exhibition, NEW FRONTIERS in POP ART, at Lauren Clark Fine Art, Great Barrington, MA. Broadcast on opening day, July 12, 2014. CLICK HERE.
Click here to hear Pops on the Heirloom Meals podcast with host Carole Murko, as they discuss Pops life, career, and natural cold remedies!
Broadcast this spring on NPR and on Stitcher Radio.